How we deal with Shedding on the Farm

Today I'm going to tell you a little story. Some might find it amusing. Most will find it ludicrous. But there are a few who will find it essential, and they are the reason I'm writing this today.

Once upon a time, there were 30 donkeys. Four of those donkeys couldn't eat grains, and, in fact, had become violently ill the last time they tried them, (back when they didn't know they were allergic to grains.) The rest of the donkeys didn't see any problem with eating grain and indeed, seemed to thrive on the extra treats.

So, the four sensitive donkeys didn't eat the grain, while the rest of the herd enjoyed it for breakfast, lunch, and some even got an extra boost at dinner. Just to be on the safe side.

The four donkeys thought they would be fine, just eating grass all day. They could be with the rest of the herd and simply refuse to eat the grain, and everyone would be happy.

Then one day, the grass fed middle donkey's eyes began to burn after she spent the day playing in the meadow with her grain eating friends. They watered. And they burned. And she started to blink. And blink. And BLINK. And she couldn't stop blinking. The blinking became so frequent and so bad, she couldn't even see to find her favorite bits of Bermuda grass. And her momma was worried. The usual fix of donkey milk wasn't cutting it for this new assault on her immune system.

Then the youngest grass fed donkey got a nose bleed. And then another nose bleed. And she had never had nose bleeds before.

Then the grass fed momma donkey began to itch. And itch. And itch. And she didn't have donkey lice. Or fly bites. Or any reason to be itching and scratching all over.

The only difference was, the rest of the herd was shedding. And no amount of currying from the caring farmer seemed to make a bit of difference.

As a last resort, the farmer gave the four grass fed donkeys a round of i-Vermect*n, because, he figured the herbal de-wormers weren't quite cutting it this time. (The youngest donkey prefers her i-Vermect*n mixed with almond butter, and an apple.)

And the blinking went away. And the itching went away. And the nose bleeds stopped.

For about a week...and then they needed another round of horse dewormer. Or the nose bleeds and itching and blinking came back...with a vengeance.

It wasn't ideal. But, for now, it seems to be keeping the shedding at bay.

And the four grass fed donkeys can co-exist with their grain eating friends.

(As long as they will have them, anyway.) 

If you're one of the sensitive, grass fed donkey types, perhaps this story will help you too.

And just in case you need it, here is a link to a kick A grain refusal. In case your donkey is being pressured into eating grains too.

If you know a super sensitive, grass fed donkey in a similar spot, please comment and share this with all your bestie grass fed donkey friends. 

P.S. This story is an allegory. If you're about to comment with some judgmental rant about grain feeding our donkeys or giving them dewormers, please, just....don't. Oh, and Aslan? He represents Jesus. Just sayin'. 

P.S.S. If you're tempted to say "This isn't real, since it isn't happening to ME." Then it follows that your allergies (eczema, asthma, etc.) aren't real either, since they aren't happening to ME.  

Please be kind. Your experiences are valid. As are ours. Each of us is unique and created by God. Our DNA. Our genome. Our immune systems. We all react to the world in our own individual ways. Some of us are canaries in the coal mine, and when we react to the toxins around us, it's a clear warning to the rest of the miners...something isn't right in the mine.


  • Dirtpatcheaven

    That scare the crap out of me. I left the house for the first time in weeks because we grow our own food and there was no reason to go anywhere. I was around A LOT of people for a few hours. I broke out in itchy sores that just won’t go away and they aren’t bites. I didn’t put the two together.

  • Janeen Shaver

    Thank You!
    Great story !

  • Prescilla

    I absolutely live your allegory and your posts. Thank you, from one canary to another.

  • Christayla

    I love this allegory. Our experiences as sensitive donkeys ARE so valid. Thank you.

    I also love your deodorant!

    Keep up the excellent work!

  • Kristen

    You. Are. BRILLIANT. Thank you for this and glad these donkies are doing so much better!

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