Everything is FINE

I know we've been a little out of touch lately, and some of you are wondering "Now why don't she write?"

Well. It's like this...

Still interested?

Well. Don't say you weren't warned.

First the Snowpocalypse of 2021 hit. (Chipping ice off of donkey hooves. Blanketing donkeys. Orders stuck in limbo for weeks while the post office shuts down.)

Then Belle had her babies...twins. (They were born dead. One was super small. The other one impossibly tiny. The size of a volleyball. Our daughter found them. And that’s all I have to say about that. I'll spare you the photo I sent our poor Vet.)

And now we are in a debacle with UPS and someone working a night shift who refused our Donkey Milk and sent it back to Portugal. It's currently being detained by the Germans, and they're threatening to destroy thousands of dollars of our organic freeze dried donkey milk. With. No. Recourse. If we can't get someone, somewhere, at some department, to send them a document proving they didn't mess with our milk ASAP. (Prayers please!)

Then there's the fact that in spite of our efforts to get Humanure banned in the city of Luther, most of the ranchers in Eastern Oklahoma County are still more concerned with saving $4,000 on fertilizer than saving the aquifer or contaminating their beef. So, while I should have been making skincare, I was researching and prepping for interviews and contacting the news, US Senators, Oklahoma Senators, and the DEQ, trying to get someone to give a crap about the crap being spread across the aquifer and fed to "grass fed" beef and the lies being fed to the farmers that take this sludge, believing it is "safe." (Watch the latest Fox News Story and our interview HERE.)

Oh, and Erin Brokovich and her water expert, Bob Bowcock called. 

Oh, and US Senator Inhofe's representative came over to chat about humanure and aquifers and beef and Oklahoma ranch land and what to do about it.

Oh, and the Chairman of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau showed up at the farm. (He's been fighting this crap for years, and that OK Farm Bureau has passed a resolution to put a moratorium on it until it's proven safe, but there's not a Representative at the House or the Senate that will take it on. But that he'll keep fighting until he dies or gets it banned.)

Oh, and my husband volunteered me to speak at the next Farm Bureau meeting. Because, apparently I have a big mouth.

Oh, and that's why your deodorant hasn't shipped.

Because, some things stink worse than stinky pits. And there isn't enough Dulce de Deodorant to cover up the load of crap they're pitching to Oklahoma farmers and ranchers and calling it safe and beneficial.

P.S. Fighting toxic Humanure and corrupt EPA policies doesn't make many friends (or pay the mammoth feed bill.) Thank you for your patience on your orders. Thank you for sharing our website and signing the Petition to STOP HUMANURE, on social media, or with your face to face friends, or however you communicate these days. And most of all, thank you for praying for us. The battle is heavy.

And we're tired of fighting.

But we’re not beat.

WWII donkeys

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:7-10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Because in the midst of all the hard stuff, God has continued to provide for us, every step of the way. And that's the stuff of another blog post. The one for "the rest of the story."

The story where we were at the end of our rope, and our resources, and our strength...

But God.

For more on Humanure, read my blog posts here, and here, and here.

P.S. Donkeys have often been on the front lines of the battle. Some things never change. 





  • ashley richards

    Advocating for holistic health has never been harder it seems, and it’s emotionally draining. Keep fighting the good fight. Prayers of strength and peace over your family.

  • JP

    That’s a lot of crap! Sorry about the babies. So sad. And your dried milk. How frustrating! Keep fighting the good fight. Praying for you all!

  • Marylou Gatan

    Thank you for wonderful products!! Keep up the good work & keep your trust in the Lord & the power of prayer.

  • Kristina D

    Praying for you & your family! I admire your strength!!

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